Products & Services

SFPL provides loans to the poor entrepreneurs (only women) for income generation activities following the group-lending approach. The loan products comprise of both Group Loans and Individual Loans. The following table describes about the different features of the Loan product offered by Sambandh

Loans for Group Members


Name of the Product Product brief Loan Size (INR) Rate of Interest Loan Tenure
SARAL (Own Portfolio) Loan extended to low-income women entrepreneurs for income generating activities in a JLG. 10000-50000 (multiples of Rs.5000) 24.53% p.a. reducing principal balance 12/18/24 months
SUVIDHA (IDBI) Loan extended to low-income women entrepreneurs who are members of an SHG 10000-40000 (multiples of Rs.5000) 23% p.a. reducing principal balance 12 months
SUVIDHA (YBL) Loan extended to low-income women entrepreneurs who are members of a JLG 12000-36000 (multiples of Rs.3000) 24% p.a. reducing principal balance 12/18/24 months
WATSAN Loan extended to the existing clients of a group for construction of toilet 15,000-20,000 21% p.a. reducing principal balance 12/18/24 months
SUGRIHA- HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN (HIL) Loan extended to the existing clients for improvement in a residential property 50,000-1,00,000 (multiples of Rs.5000) 24% p.a. reducing principal balance 24/30/36 months
SAKSHAM LOAN (MSME) Loan extended to the existing clients to enable them to develop small business activities 40,000-10,00,000 (multiples of Rs.5000) 24% p.a. reducing principal balance 12/24/36 months